Shogun Maitake

About Shogun Maitake

Company History

Maitake From Japan to the World

Maitake mushrooms are rare and hard to find in nature. They are highly prized and are an incredible food and source of protein. As an environmentalist and humanitarian, Shogun’s founder, CEO & President Yoshinobu Odaira founded Yukiguni in 1983 to grow and develop new proteins for the Japanese market. At the time, Black Maitake mushrooms were rare and only available in the wild.

These were a prized delicacy at a cost of $250/kg. Mr. Odaira set out to lower the cost of production and produce large volumes of Maitake mushrooms with quality that exceeded the most prized wild mushrooms. It took 6 years and many failures to grow large organic maitake mushrooms consistently. Mr. Odaira’s company grew to a production footprint of 420,000 sq. meters (4.2 million sq. ft.) and delivered 70% of the Japanese market.

In his next phase of expansion, Mr. Odaira sought to globalize and produce Maitake to share with the rest of the world. In 2015 Mr. Odaira founded Shogun Maitake Canada Co., Ltd. in London, Ontario, Canada.

The initial footprint consisted of a 12,000 sq. ft. prototype facility to test, develop, and prove production was viable in Canada. The product now exceeds the best quality in Japan; the production is at full capacity, with batches cultivated each and every day. Shogun can deliver fresh Maitake into eastern Canada and the northeastern USA continuously.

Plans are in place to complete phase 1 of the new facility (136,000 sq. ft.) in 2022 in the Municipality of Thames Centre. Shogun’s team brings a strong knowledge of the Maitake production, the business, and markets. Under Mr. Odaira’s leadership, Shogun Maitake Canada Co., Ltd. offers many unique opportunities.
Our goal is to fulfill the corporate social responsibility through innovations. Our new mushroom production facility aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions within 5 years by adopting the clean energy technology. We have many other projects in the works to improve sustainability and energy efficiency, and we are committed to becoming Net Zero for our customers and industry. We are here to lead the way for sustainable commercial farming practices.

History of Maitake Production

High Efficiency

Founder Yoshinobu Odaira succeeded in the steady production of maitake mushrooms, known to be difficult to cultivate, in Japan, where he set up a one-million-square-foot growing facility. On top of this, he conducted two years of precise cultivation research in Canada. We now know that maitake products can be produced in Canada, which are higher in quality than even those produced in Japan.
Mr. Odaira worked on developing new techniques for many years. The result is our very high production efficiency rate.

Superior Quality

The most difficult aspect of maitake cultivation is maintaining consistency in production quality. Many maitake producers have folded due to the complexity of making a consistent product. Yoshinobu Odaira, with more than 35 years of experience in successful maitake cultivation, has spent the last three years in Canada, researching and developing the most optimal growing strategies for the region. Their efforts have made it possible for Shogun Maitake to produce the perfect products for North American needs.

What separates Shogun Maitake Canada from other producers is its unrelenting prioritization of quality. Shogun Maitake cultivates maitake mushrooms longer, resulting in flavors that are closer to those found in nature. We are the first company to sell black maitake in Japan and North America. (Known for its top ranking within maitake species, black maitake is very rare even in natural environments.)


To contribute to humanity by providing the means to a healthy standard of life.

Corporate Philosophy

Shogun’s philosophy embodies a deep respect for society, a consideration for others, and an understanding of our potential. We work hard every day to reach that potential. We keep our standards high and act to create a healthy society. Every member of the staff works with the following principles in mind:


Social Understanding

Observe and follow the social rules.


Understand Others

Understand people other than yourself.


Understand Yourself

Understand your strengths and weaknesses and increase your value as a member of society.


Heightening of Desires and Appetite

Develop and achieve your vision.



Do not compromise. Select from a wide range of options and do your best to realize your potential.


CEO & President:

Yoshinobu Odaira

Mr. Odaira has been the CEO and President of Shogun Maitake Canada Co., Ltd. He is an entrepreneur and has founded several Japanese agricultural companies, including Yukiguni Maitake, Japan. In 1983, Mr. Odaira established Yukiguni Maitake, which became a public company in Japan in 1994. In 2015, Bain Capital Private Equity purchased Yukiguni Maitake through a tender offer. In addition to his success with Yukiguni Maitake, Mr. Odaira has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Yukiguni Shoji Co., Ltd. since 1988 and the Chief Executive Officer of Odaira Shoji Co., Ltd. from 1989. In 2015, Mr. Odaira founded two new companies, Shogun Maitake Canada Co., Ltd. In Canada and Odaira Kinoko Research Co., Ltd. in Japan. Mr. Odaira was a visiting professor at the Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies from 2006 to 2010.


Professor Emeritus, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University Doctor of Agriculture, Kyoto University

Dr. Hiroaki Nanba studied “suppression of virus proliferation” at the School of Agricultural Sciences, Kyoto University, and then started his research of Maitake at Kobe Women’s College of Pharmacy (currently Kobe Pharmaceutical University) and succeeded in extracting “MD fraction.” His work was awarded a Special Prize by the American Association of Cancer Therapy in 1995. In 2010, he was awarded the Grand Linus Pauling Award for the first time in the world. He is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Dr. Nanba is regarded as a leading scientist in maitake research.


American BriVision Corp (ABVC)

American BriVision Corp (ABVC)

.ABVC has targeted its business to the stage of drug development that moves promising drugs from the laboratory to the market, the translational phase. Drugs considered by ABVC are usually derived from plant, address significant illnesses and have successfully completed pre-clinical disease animal/model and phase 1 samety studies at world-class research institutions. ABVC and Shogun Maitake is collaborating on the drug development clinical trials for MDS(Myelodysplastic Syndromes), TNBC(Triple Negative Breast Cancer) and Prostate Cancer using extract from Shogun Maitake.



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